Monster Media 1996 #15
Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO
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Text File
417 lines
PalmScan v2.02
Copyright (C) 1993,96
by Steven Hendriks Fidonet 2:2802/140
Hoofd 22 VirNet 9:310/1
3214 AH Zuidland SIGnet 27:1331/401
the Netherlands
data: +31-181-453132 (300-28800 bps) E-Mail 0340278@ptfe22.hro.nl
This update log describes the changes since release v1.15.
+ indicates a new feature
- indicates a bug fix
/ indicates a changed feature
| indicates a feature available in the registered version only
: indicates a feature available in the OS/2 version only
/ PalmScan now supports RAR conversion at the file-database maintenance for
Ezycom v1.20.
- In the RemoveFilesList, PalmScan did not correctly read /SIZE= and /CRC=
when those options were not uppercased.
+ |Added a commandline option:
| /Interactive
|When this option is used, PalmScan can ask some questions when needed. When
|running in on-line mode, the user who is on-line can also type an answer.
|PalmScan will time-out when no input is given within a minute.
+ |Added two new colors:
| ColorEdit [c]
| ColorEditBackground [c]
|[c] can be any value from 1 to 15 (1 to 7 for ColorEditBackground).
|These colors are used for editing an answer when a question is asked in
|interactive mode. The default values are 15 (yellow) and 1 (blue).
+ PalmScan now detects password protection on these archives:
When a password is known for this archive (PasswordList configuration
keyword), PalmScan will use this password to unpack the archive.
When running in interactive mode (/Interactive commandline option), PalmScan
will ask for the password before it starts to unpack the archive. When not
running in interactive mode, PalmScan will not try to unpack the archive.
+ Added a files-list:
PasswordList [d:\path\filename.ext]
This files-list can contain paths and file-specifications, and passwords for
those files which should be used to unpack the archive.
This files-list is an ascii text file, containing:
[filename.ext] [/Password=[password]]
+ Added a keyword to the archiver unpack and test commands:
This keyword will be replaced by the password needed to unpack or test this
archive. When no password is needed, the keyword will be replaced by an
empty string, and the commandline option directly in front of this keyword
will be removed.
Archiver ZIP
Unpack pkunzip -o -d -s@Password @Archive @Filenames
Test pkunzip -t -s@Password @Archive
When the @Password keyword is not used, PalmScan will never try to unpack or
test a password protected archive.
: PalmScan/2 will use the DOS unpack and/or test commands when the @Password
: keyword is not used with the OS2unpack and/or OS2test commands, and is used
: with the Unpack and/or Test commands.
- PalmScan did not remove virus scanner reports in the temporary directory
when a virus had been found, but no message had been posted. Fixed.
- When files were being added, PalmScan did not really add them to the archive
when no conversion was done. Fixed.
- When an unpacked file which was being packed had an extension of two
characters, PalmScan could add a numeric character to the new extension
(e.g. the new extension would be .ZI1 instead of .ZIP). Fixed.
- When an unpacked file was being packed, PalmScan did not describe music
modules or add any files to the newly created archive. Fixed.
- PalmScan sometimes failed to change the date/time of a file. Fixed.
- The CRC-32 files list sometimes did not contain the filename of the archive.
-: When a previously unlisted file which has a long filename was being added
: to a FILES.BBS files list, or when a description was being added for a file
: which has a long filename, PalmScan/2 would exit with a runtime error.
: Fixed.
-: When a music module which has a long filename was being described,
: PalmScan/2 would exit with a runtime error. Fixed.
- Removing files didn't work correctly when wildcards were used together with
/Size=[Size] or /CRC=[CRC]. Fixed.
- When GIF/JPEG/JFIF/PNG specifications were being added to the Ezycom v1.10
(and above) file-database, the original description was lost. Fixed.
- PalmScan added a '.' (without quotes) to filenames which didn't have a '.'
within it. This caused incorrect filenames in file-databases and files.bbs
files-lists. Fixed.
+: Added a configuration keyword to disable the usage of DOS virus-scanners in
: the OS/2 version:
: NoDOSscanners
: When this keyword is used, PalmScan/2 will ignore the configured DOS virus-
: scanners. This keyword has no effect on the operation of the DOS version.
/ PalmScan and PSetup now ignore all configuration lines starting with 'PT'
(without quotes). This makes it possible to use one configuration file for
both PalmScan and PalmTick FeatherLight.
-: When packing an archive, PalmScan/2 incorrectly saw HPFS filenames. This
: caused it not to convert any archives when the targed archiver used a DOS
: pack command. Fixed.
- The detection of security envelopes, multi-volume archives and passwords for
ARJ archives could cause PalmScan to hang on some systems. Fixed.
-: PalmScan/2 could incorrectly report 'Unable to post message' just after it
: had succesfully posted a message.
- PalmScan and PSetup didn't support underscores in filenames of all
listfiles. Fixed.
- PalmScan stripped the last three characters of the AddFilesList. Fixed.
+ |PalmScan can now scan for viruses in the main archive and all embedded
|archives in one run. The configuration keyword to use this feature is:
| FastScan
|When this feature is used, PalmScan will unpack all embedded archives right
|after the main archive has been unpacked. The virus scan is done at the
|point where it would normally scan for viruses in the main archive. All
|other embedded archive processing is done the same as without this feature.
|For this feature to work properly, your virus scanners must be configured to
|scan the current directory, _and_ all subdirectories. (The virus scanners
|configured in the sample configuration files will do this properly).
/ The processing of embedded archives has changed. PalmScan does not have to
execute itself anymore to process embedded archives. This new method does
cost quite some memory however (approximately 40 kilobytes per generation,
versus 1 kilobyte plus a couple of hundred kilobytes of EMS/XMS/swap space
with the previous method). While this is not always possible with the DOS
version, this version will use the new method when possible (i.e. when there
is enough conventional memory available), and use the old method when
needed. The OS/2 version will always use the new method, while there isn't a
memory limit in OS/2 anyway (except when the swap space runs out, but then
PalmScan couldn't swap anywhere either).
PalmScan will not go deeper than 50 levels. No sane person would use that
level of embedded archives anyway.
/ The Archiver, MultiVolumePack and ArchiveTest configuration keywords have
been changed. There are two main reasons for this change:
- PalmScan/2 (the OS/2 version of PalmScan) has to be able to both use DOS
and OS/2 archivers. Even with one archiver, it can use an OS/2 command for
one function, and use a DOS command for another. When both a DOS and OS/2
command have been configured for one function, PalmScan/2 will always use
the OS/2 command. The DOS version of PalmScan will ignore all OS/2
- Some OS/2 archivers do not support the commandline which previous versions
of PalmScan used to call archivers. Therefor, all commandlines are now
completely configurable with special @keywords.
It is now split up into multiple keywords:
Archiver [Extension] Start of an archiver section
Pack [Command] The DOS command to pack an archive.
: OS2pack [Command] The OS/2 command to pack an archive.
Unpack [Command] The DOS command to unpack an archive.
: OS2unpack [Command] The OS/2 command to unpack an archive.
MVpack [Command] The DOS command to pack a multi-volume archive.
: OS2MVpack [Command] The OS/2 command to pack a multi-volume archive.
MVunpack [Command] The DOS command to unpack a multi-volume archive.
: OS2MVunpack [Command] The OS/2 command to unpack a multi-volume archive.
Test [Command] The DOS command to test an archive.
: OS2test [Command] The OS/2 command to test an archive.
Header [Command] The DOS command to add a header to an archive.
: OS2header [Command] The OS/2 command to add a header to an archive.
All commands have to be configured below the Archiver keyword to which they
[Extension] This is the normal extension for this archiver.
[Command] All commands must be full commands. The multi-volume pack and
unpack commands have also been expanded to complete commands
(not only the extra switch anymore). Also, these keywords must
be used:
@Archive Will be replaced by the full path and filename of the
archive which is being processed. When the path and/or
filename contains spaces, PalmScan will add a '"'
(without quotes) before and after the path\filename.
@Path Will be replaced by the directory, without trailing
backlash ('\'), where files should be unpacked to /
packed from. This keyword is not really necessary, while
PalmScan will always make this directory the current
directory before unpacking / packing an archive, but it
might be useful for some archivers...
@Filename Will be replaced by the filename to be unpacked / packed
/ added as archive header.
This can be either *.* or a normal filename.
@Filenames Will be replaced by the filenames to be unpacked /
packed / added as archive header. This can be either *.*,
a normal filename, or multiple normal filenames
(separated by spaces). This keyword should never be used
in conjunction with @Path, while only the first filename
will get the path in front of it then. It should only be
used when the archiver supports multiple filenames on
it's commandline.
@Size Will be replaced by the target size when packing a multi-
volume archive. Therefor, this keyword is only available
at the MVpack and OS2MVpack commands.
PalmScan does NOT understand the old Archiver, MultiVolumePack and
ArchiveTest configuration keywords anymore. You must run PUPDATE to update
your configuration(s) to the new style.
Also, PalmScan does NOT add any default commandlines anymore. The @keywords
MUST be used to pass on information to the archivers.
/ Not really PalmScan's fault, but worth to mention here: RAR archives which
have a password set, will cause RAR to wait for a password to be entered.
(Other archivers will simply exit with an errorlevel when the password is
not entered on the commandline, so this really is RAR's mistake). To prevent
this, you should add '-palmscan' (without quotes) to the RAR unpack
commandline. (This should only be used at the RAR UNPACK commandline, NOT at
the other commandlines!)
- The OnlyMainArchive option at the ArchiveConversion feature didn't work.
/ The commandline option /NoConversion has been renamed to /NoChanges.
/NoChanges means that no changes will be made to processed archives.
/NoConversion now means that no conversion will be done. Any other changes
(such as file removal, adding an archive header, etc.) will still be done.
/ Changed all references from LHA to LZH. PalmScan will now handle both LHA
and LZH the same when using the ArchiveConversion keyword or the
/T[archiver] commandline option.
+: Added these configuration keywords:
: OS2Key [key number]
: This is the same as the RegKey configuration keyword, except that this
: one is used by PalmScan/2. PalmScan uses the RegKey configuration, so
: you can use one configuration file for both the DOS and OS/2 versions
: when you registered both versions.
: OS2Scanner [name] [command] [lll] <[hhh] <[nnn] <filespecs>>>
: This is the same as the Scanner configuration keyword, except that it
: configures an OS/2 virus scanner. When [name] is the same as at a
: configured DOS scanner, PalmScan/2 will only use the OS/2 scanner.
: OS2RARlock [command]
: This is the same as the RARlock configuration keyword, except that it
: configures an OS/2 command to lock RAR archives.
+: The priority of PalmScan/2 can now be configured with this commandline
: option:
: /P[priority]
: [priority] can be a value from 0 to 257. The default priority is 100.
+: Added a timeout option for external programs to PalmScan/2. When an external
: program (like an archiver, virus scanner, etcetera) exceeds this time,
: PalmScan/2 assumes it hangs, and terminates the process in which the
: external program is running. The configuration keyword for this feature is:
: ExecTimeOut [seconds]
: Example:
: ExecTimeOut 600
: The default timeout value is 600 seconds. So when a program takes longer
: than 10 minutes, PalmScan/2 will terminate it. The minimum value is 60
: seconds.
: Please note that this value should not be set too low, while a program still
: takes some time to do it's job.
/ Removed the OnlyMainArchive option at the ProcessSFX configuration keyword.
- PalmScan didn't detect AV's on RAR SFX archives which have been packed with
the larger IDOS and OS/2 SFX modules. Fixed.
/ Updated the Filedoor function to Filedoor v5.xx.
/ The following configuration keywords have been changed:
EzyFileID -> Online Ezycom
ConcordFileID -> Online Concord
Filedoor -> Online Filedoor
The following configuration keywords have been removed (these were already
replaced in previous PalmScan versions, but were still available for
downwards compatibility):
RAfilebase -> FDB RA
RApath [...] -> BBSpath [...]
NetmailPath [...] -> MessageArea F[...]
If you use one of the above features, you must either run PUpdate to update
your configuration, or change it by hand. PalmScan and PSetup do not support
the old keywords anymore.
/ PalmScan will now create an other temporary directory when the directory
which it uses by default (<TempPath>\<filename>.<generation>) already
+ PalmScan will now show a spinning cursor when it's working. In the DOS
version, this will not be shown when an external program is being executed.
In the OS/2 version, it will always be shown when RedirectOutput is used.
+ Added an option to include configuration files in a PalmScan configuration:
Include [configuration-filename]
Any number of configuration files can be included in one configuration.
PSetup will not read the included configuration files (else they would be
combined to one file when saving the configuration). PalmScan will read
included configuration files in the order they were found in the original
configuration file. Keywords in the original configuration file can override
keywords in included configuration files.
Include archiver.cfg
- Unpacked files which were being packed, would get a wrong file-date when
using 'Touch Latest' or 'Touch Oldest'. Fixed.
+ Added support for extended wildcards. This means that any number of '?' and
'*' characters can be used in filenames (at features where wildcards are
supported). For example, 'P*SCAN*' would match 'PALMSCAN.EXE'.
+ Added support for Portable Network Graphics (PNG). While there are no
converters available besides a GIF to PNG converter, there is no need for
extra configuration keywords for this graphics format (the GIFpack feature
can already be used to convert GIF to PNG). PalmScan adds the resolution
(width * height * colors) of PNG files to descriptions the same as it does
with GIF files.
- When adding a description from FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI description file to a
FILES.BBS files list, PalmScan forgot to close the description file, which
could result in a shortage of file handles. Fixed.
/ The remove files feature has been changed completely:
The RemoveFile configuration keyword has been replaced by this keyword:
RemoveFilesList [d:\path\filename.ext]
RemoveFilesList d:\palmscan\palmscan.rmv
If you use the RemoveFile feature, you must either run PUpdate to update
your configuration, or change it by hand. PalmScan and PSetup do not support
the old RemoveFile keyword anymore.
PalmScan will now also remove files in subdirectories.
The files-list is an ascii text file, containing this:
[filename.ext] </Size=[size]> </CRC=[crc32]>
[filename.ext] can contain extended wildcards ('?' and '*').
</Size=[size]> is optional. When specified, PalmScan will check the filesize
of the file to be removed, against this size.
</CRC=[crc32]> is optional. When specified, PalmScan will check the crc32 of
the file to be removed, against this crc32.
*.* /Size=576 /CRC=76a8c643
*.bbs /CRC=b347ea83
/ The skip, add and pack unpacked files features have been changed:
These keywords have been removed:
These keywords are available now:
SkipFilesList [d:\path\filename.ext]
AddFilesList [d:\path\filename.ext]
PackUnpackedFilesList [d:\path\filename.ext]
SkipFilesList d:\palmscan\palmscan.skp
AddFilesList d:\palmscan\palmscan.add
PackUnpackedFilesList d:\palmscan\palmscan.pck
If you use the SkipFile, AddFile and/or PackUnpacked feature(s), you must
either run PUpdate to update your configuration, or change it by hand.
PalmScan and PSetup do not support the old keywords anymore.
The files-lists are ascii text files, containing:
[filename.ext] can contain extended wildcards ('?' and '*').
/ The HackList feature has changed a bit. The hacklist can now be edited in
PSetup. It also supports (extended) wildcards now. When no extension is
available (no '.' in the complete name), PalmScan will assume '.*'. The
triggers are no longer supported.
If you use the HackList feature with triggers, you must either run PUpdate
to update your configuration, or change it by hand. PalmScan and PSetup do
not support the triggers anymore.
/ PSetup will now write the configuration keywords in groups, like the groups
in PSetup itself.